PRK and Doctor Disaster

I had PRK in 1996 and then a "touch up" in 1998. The result was "haze," which really meant some scarring. The doctor in Toronto said it takes a while to clear haze, so I waited for 2 years and returned. He did not do the exam to determine that I already had too much scarring and repeated the PRK "treatment" in 1998. When I realized I had trouble seeing, he said "it takes about a year to clear the haze," which meant he won't get sued after one year. Years later, I have coped with piggyback lenses and tried all kinds of other lenses, including GP corneal, scleral and back to piggyback. My eyes have been increasingly dry and I can imagine why since I am wearing a soft and GP lens all the time. I never had dry eyes before surgery (at age 46). Now at 68, I have very dry eyes. I cope with Omegas, lots of fruit/veg, no meat and always try to get enough water (although not enough). I use HYLO drops during the day and am now trying the HYLO ointment at night. I guess it could be worse, but I am always positive and keep focused on the good things in life.


